Monday, October 19, 2015

Who has the louder voice?

A major purpose in which people advocate and educate on the behalf of agriculture is because there are many people who are misinformed on the subject. In the last blog post I talked about how good I had it; in regards to the opportunity of having a background and knowledge of agriculture. As I left home and spent time in bigger cities and even out side of the country, I realized that many people are against agricultural practices that we use today.
One of the most controversial subjects in modern agriculture is the subject of GMO's (genetically modified organisms). People don't like the idea of their food being modified or changed. Trends of "organic" and "all natural" food are becoming more and more popular. I don't blame people for eating healthy food instead of processed food, although they need to understand some important facts about the food they are eating.
Pictured above: Physical differences are shown between traditional
 rice and "Golden Rice" at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines.
The GMO contains vitamin A to prevent deficiencies
 such as blindness in children in third world countries.
Photo by: Erik De Castro / Reuters
GMO's have DNA that is genetically altered so that they can be more efficient and beneficial for us. For example, products such as rice are used as a staple food throughout the world. Unfortunately, rice is not high in nutritional value, yet it is eaten almost every day in some cultures and areas of the world. Often, these people who use rice as a staple food live in third world or developing countries. They do not have access to other types of food that give them the nutrition that they need. A product was developed called "Golden Rice" to help solve the problem of vitamin A deficiency that some countries face. Health benefits from golden rice and other GMO's could help solve the problem of world hunger.
This topic of discussion has been one sided for too long. It is important that this side of the story is told. When people come to the knowledge of the benefits of modern agricultural practices, we can continue to go forward.

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