Sunday, October 11, 2015

I didn't know how good I had it

Pictured above: Yearling heifers of Teichert Brothers LLC in Cokeville, Wy grazing on a fall morning.

My life on our family ranch consists of: waking up early in the morning to feed animals, branding, cattle, riding horses to actually herd the animals, pounding miles of steel posts to build a fence in the hot summer sun, and other various jobs. 
Pictured above: "Missy" making sure the calves eat their breakfast. 
Most of the world and many people in America think that ranchers and farmers are a thing of the past, or something  you see in movies.  In fact, in an article about the average age of farmers rising every year, we learn that fewer and fewer people choose agriculture as an occupation. Working with agriculture is not easy work, but it is fulfilling for ranchers and farmers. It is a necessary occupation for your family to have dinner on the table. 
I grew up working on a cattle ranch, so it was normal to me. Now that I have left home, spent time in other countries, and now studying at Utah State University, I have seen people who fit the description described earlier. Farmers and ranchers are not just people seen in "Westerns," they are real people that provide food for America. 
Pictured above: A purebred Red Angus bull warms himself in the sunrise on a brisk morning. 
How many citizens of America get to see first hand where their food comes from? Being able to grow up with that lifestyle and experience the process of providing America its beef, is something unique and special. America needs to know that we take pride in what we do. Often, we go to the grocery store buy our food, and we never think twice about where it came from or the hard work it took to get it there for you and your family. It is important to know these small but significant details, we have it good here in America. Farmers and ranchers care about the food grown for you.

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